Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wil's Spring Musical

Jonesboro Pre-K had their Spring Musicals last week. I got to go see Wil perform on Wednesday. It was so cute! They entered the room all wearing penguin hats. Wil wore his for all of 2 seconds and took it off. I was glad to see they were only wearing them for one song anyway. I, as always, picked the wrong seat, so the pictures aren't terrific. There are a couple from after the show that are cute. His favorite song from the performance seems to be the one titled, "The Mud Puddle Jumped On Me!" Ask him to sing it for you sometime!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that Avery loves theatre so much! She has always loved performing - I don't think Wil's going to care too much! haha.
